
Felipe Garcia

MiLEO Nutrition & Fitness

There are none known at this time based on the current available science. Some plant based omega-3 supplements claim they can covert in the body to the omega-3 fish oils, DHA and EPA - but that’s a stretch. Relatively little to no DHA and EPA are contained in plants. For instance, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is a plant based omega-3 fatty acid and although it’s true that your body can covert some ALA to EPA and DHA, it is only a very small amount (8-20% of ALA to EPA; .5-9% to DHA). Therefore, plant based omega-3s are not considered a good source of the more beneficial omega-3s found in fish. And it’s a mistake to include all omega-3s to together when looking at their benefits. Omega-3s from plants (Flaxseed, walnut, hemp, etc.) have different health effects than omega-3s from fish. Omega-3s from fish, known as marine omegas, contain high levels of the two most studied omega-3 fatty acids, the 20-carbon eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and the 22-carbon docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These are the components that are responsible for the many potential benefits related to maintaining heart, brain, eye and hearing health. If you’re looking for an omega-3 supplement, look for fish oil capsules containing ~600 mg of omega-3s made up of 240 mg of EPA and 360 mg of DHA. Take 1 capsule daily if you’re not consuming 2 to 4 servings of fatty fish per week unless your doctor or qualified health professional advises more.

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