
Felipe Garcia

MiLEO Nutrition & Fitness

Your dotFIT program will do it for you. For a general estimation, use the following:

• 13-15 calories per pound of weight if you get less than 30 minutes of activity per day

• 15-19 calories per pound of body weight if you get 30-60 minutes of activity per day

• 19-21 calories per pound of body weight if you get 60-90 minutes of activity per day

Your age, weight, height, gender and average daily activity level determine the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight. Your goal weight and the timeframe to achieve it determine how many calories below your daily maintenance calories you’ll need to consume each day. As an example, if your maintenance calories are 2000 and you want to lose a pound a week, , your daily calorie intake will need to average 1500 since 1 pound of fat contains 3500 calories (7 days X 500 calories = 3500 calorie daily deficit).

One single fact determines the rate of weight/fat lost: the average daily calorie deficit, which is the difference between how much energy (calories) is expended and the amount consumed – (and you can’t spot reduce). Dieters should proceed at a pace that does not compromise health or performance. We recommend you lose 1-2 pounds per week.

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