
Felipe Garcia

MiLEO Nutrition & Fitness

How does the exerspy work for women who have hot flashes and night sweats?

How does the exerspy work for women who have hot flashes and night sweats?

If the exerspy uses heat and skin temperature, how does this work for women who have hot flashes and night sweats all day and night?  Does this impact the burn rate?  Will it calculate the burn rate correctly or do I need to modify it somehow?  Also is I have a low rate of metabolism, is the calorie intake based on an average metabolism? If so what adjustments can be made to my diet.  My caloric daily count is 1322 and burn rate of 2118.  I am 50 yrs old and weigh approx 206 lbs.

Calories burned will increase during hot flashes, as it does during a fever, but not to any great degree.  They would have to be occurring non-stop throughout the day in order to produce a significant increase in calorie burn (as compared to days with similar activity levels before the hot flashes began). The burn rate will still be calculated correctly because the sensors will adjust to the individual’s metabolism including heat changes.

If you believe you have a slow metabolism, you simply need to move more in order to off-set any minor decrease from aging or genetics. But keep in mind, in science there is really no such thing as a “slow metabolism”, it’s more a myth than fact (see myth #6 in this article,,  and you should also read this article That said, regardless of your metabolism or your recorded food intake, anytime you come to a plateau, follow your program’s instructions after entering your weight or body fat and you will reach your goal.

More info:
See below for overview of proper continuous weight/fat reduction.

The final facts of Weight Control:
  • Individual total calorie intake is determined by personal activity, body statistics and goal including desired timeframe. The foods that make up your allowed calories can be structured to improve health & performance
  • One single fact determines the rate of weight/fat loss: the average daily calorie deficit, which is the difference between how many calories you burn and the amount consumed. Weight loss should proceed at a pace that does not compromise health or performance.
  • Exercise design is for your body’s structural enhancements including functionality/performance, longevity, aesthetics, etc. Exercise also increases daily calorie burn and helps maintain desired weight.
Goal setting, monitoring and adjustments

Example weekly goal:  lose 1-2 pound per week or approximately 1% body fat every two weeks. Your target daily calorie intake will be slightly lower than your daily burn, allowing you to lose at least one pound per week without compromising performance gains. The more overweight, the greater the allowed weekly loss.

Monitoring:  weigh/measure in the same clothing, at the same time and on the same scale. Take care to also use the same method or device for body fat measurements. If necessary (see below) only adjust calories in or out every seven days (follow program instructions):

Adjustments: a measurable or visual reduction in body fat and/or weight should take place in a fairly consistent manner such as a decrease in circumference inches, and/or the desired average decrease in weight or body fat per week. If progress stops or slows dramatically, one or a mixture of the following adjustments will be necessary to re-start the process:
  • Increase daily activities (e.g. daily steps or other non-athletic/exercise activities)
    • Standing and pacing burns 2-3 times more calories than sitting for the same time period
    • There are approximately 2000-2500 steps (depending on stride length) in a mile. Walking 2000 steps will burn ~75-150 more calories (depending on individual size) than sitting for the same time and only takes ~20-30min and can be done anywhere, even in the office, while on the phone or watching TV
  • Increase workout time or intensity
  • Decrease food intake approximately 200 to 300 calories per day or remove a small portion of your largest meal

Repeat the process any time weight or body fat is stable for at least one week. Always remember if you stop losing weight/fat you need to eat less, move more or a combination of the two regardless of what you read or hear from others. Once you have achieved your body composition goals, increase your calorie intake, decrease activities or a combination of the two in order to maintain desired weight.

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